How to Install Electrical in Concrete Walls
Your electrical has to be installed in concrete walls before they are poured. Otherwise you will be bolting boxes and conduit to the surface and then explaining to the architect why the wall finish has to be changed. By carefully following the measurements provided on your approved blueprints and securing your electrical conduit and boxes in the concrete form, you will not have to worry about passing an inspections or pulling the wires later. Following the steps below will eliminate both panel of those worries. Lay out and mark the path and locations of your electrical conduit runs and electrical boxes as specified on your blueprints. Use a tape measure to ensure accuracy. The electrical engineer assigned to the design team has already made sure that the placements of your elements are within the building code standards. Their work has then been reviewed and approved by the local agency in charge of making sure that all construction plans that receive a building permit comply with cod...