NYC Columbus statue enveloped by living room

A Japanese artist is at a busy intersection in Midtown Manhattan, inviting the public to watch Columbus High School up close.
Tatzu Nishi, Japan is building a contemporary living room at the top of the Columbus monument in the Columbus Circle, where there are 13-
The statue at the foot of Columbus sits on a six
The story column in the center of the square, five busy streets intersect the entrance of the Central Park. Some Italian-
Americans say the art program is a mockery of great explorers and a contempt for history.
The discovery Columbus, commissioned by the nonprofit Public Art Fund, is a free exhibition that will start. 20 to Nov. 18.
Sishi 70-foot-
High Post on scaffolding, living room under construction
Sofa, coffee table and light fixtures
Visitors will climb the stairs to the living room where they will have a bird --
Great views of the city and Central Park.
For those who can\'t climb the stairs, the elevator is available.
\"Wrapping this majestic statue in the cocoon of conceptual art devalues the community and downplays history,\" said Rosario icannis, chairman of the American Institute of italics, educational think tanks representing about 1,000 Italians across the country.
The fund said it did not receive objections from other Italian groups including the Columbus Civic Foundation, a 600-
Sponsoring member organizations for the annual Columbus Day Parade in New York City; the 50,000-
Member of the Italian American Foundation in Washington, D. C. C. ;
And Italian general counsel in New York.
But John Mancini, executive director of the italics Institute, said the groups \"did not look very carefully at these fine prints, which was a mockery of the\" marine Admiral.
\"If the artist tries to set up the living room around the Lincoln Memorial or Martin Luther King memorial. . .
\"Sensitivity can cause it,\" he added . \".
\"Clown disguised as art.
\"Nicholas Baum, director and chief curator of the Public Art Fund, said he believes that once people see the work, they will react differently to it.
\"Nishi\'s job is to attract the attention of the public and give the public the opportunity to visit the city\'s monuments, the statues and architectural details that they normally have no access to and show in a new way, let it be of contemporary significance and let us see something that may be overlooked, he said.
\"So I don\'t think it will disrespect the Columbus monument, it will eventually raise awareness of the monument by leaps and bounds ,\"
\"This is quite majestic, carved, marble, 19-
\"Century sculpture,\" added Baum.
Responding to criticism about the lack of any educational component of the device, he said: \"This is not a historical project.
Understanding that this is a contemporary art project is important for the artist\'s vision.
\"The city has provided $1 million to protect the monument --
A repair project that will use private funding to install the surrounding scaffolding.
Discovery Columbus will give people from all over the world the opportunity to face --to-
Frank Fusaro, chairman of the Columbus Citizenship Foundation, said: \"In the face of the majestic artwork that is usually seen from a distance, while allowing the restoration of the Columbus monument, in 1987 it raised $400,000 for the renovation of the monument.
John Calvelli, secretary of the National Italian-American Foundation, said, \"This provides an opportunity for a dialogue on Christopher Columbus\'s role.
\"Discovery Columbus\" is the first public art project of Sishi in the United States.
He is famous for surrounding historical sites with domestic space.
His other works include Villa Victoria, a temporary hotel around the statue of Queen Victoria at Liverpool\'s 2002 Biennale.
Visitors will be asked to book a pass in advance and climb up the living room.


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